AWI Climate Storylines

This data is from storyline simulations of the AWI Climate Model (version 1).

Usually, every climate model simulation produces its own quasi-random realization of weather patterns. In contrast, here the large-scale atmospheric winds are forced to reproduce the observed evolution by a technique called spectral nudging. The imposed winds stem from the ERA5 reanalysis. All other variables, such as temperature, humidity, clouds, rain, soil moisture, sea ice concentration and other ocean properties are simulated by the climate model as usual.

Atmospheric greenhouse-gas concentrations, aerosols, and land-surface properties correspond to the pre-industrial climate, the present-day climate with a global-mean warming of about 1.2°C, and a hypothetical future climate with a global-mean warming of about 4°C.

The simulations were started (that is, the state variables were initialized) from states corresponding to those different climates as simulated by the free-running model. These simulations provide an answer to the question: „If the same large-scale weather (circulation) patterns would unfold in a world without climate change - or in a world even warmer than today -, how would near-surface temperatures, rainfall, etc. change?“ This new approach towards climate attribution and projection has the potential to make climate change very tangible, in particular when applied to significant extreme events.

The depicted nudged simulations were started in January 2017 and updated daily until the Near-Real-Time (NRT) – that is, a few days before real-time.

Details on the methodology and an example case for the summer 2019 European heatwave can be found in this publication:

An animation of the summer 2019 European heatwave storylines, rendered by Michael Böttinger at the German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ), can be found online:

An example case for the summer 2019 Northeast Pacific marine heatwave can be found in this publication:

Questions can be directed to Helge Goessling (, Marylou Athanase ( and Antonio Sánchez-Benítez (

Developer of the webtool: Eva Monfort (

Climate Conditions:
Time Period:

Latitude (in °N):

Longitude (in °E):

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Colorbar Settings:
Please be aware that by increasing the number of colors on the colorbar, the plotting time can be increased by a lot.
Time Period:

Latitude (in °N):

Longitude (in °E):

Please choose parameters and click on 'Create Plot' to create a new plot!
Colorbar Settings:
Time Period:

Latitude (in °N):

Longitude (in °E):

Storyline Simulations:
Climate Reanalysis:
Please choose parameters and click on 'Create Plot' to create a new plot!
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The Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) is a foundation under public law (Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts). The AWI is a member of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.


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